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Published in 2017, The White Ribbon Runs the Red Lights is fifth book in the Signalverse series.

This one had a pretty straightforward origin: I wanted to write something about teen superheroes and sidekicks (because I hadn't yet, in any of the other books).

This was a fun one to write. I was especially excited about the White Ribbon; I thought I'd come up with an entirely original superpower for the character. Alas, I discovered later that the whole magical, sentient cloak thing had already been done years ago, with Marvel's Devil-Slayer, and it was also used, sort of, in the Doctor Strange movie, which I hadn't seen yet when I wrote this. Oh, well. I still think it's a pretty nifty superpower.

In 2021 this book received a direct sequel, The White Ribbon and the Heart of the Night, which you can read about here.

The book is available on Amazon, in both print and e-book editions. Tom's cover art is based on an old Tomb of Dracula cover, which had Dracula fighting the Silver Surfer for some reason. I think it turned out pretty dang good.

© 2025 Blake Michael Nelson